Saturday, June 13, 2020

The suicidal Nature !!

A peculiar thought has been pecking my head since a few days. Naked veneration of criminal acts in the social sphere has been a commonplace experience nowadays. It doesn’t leave a scar anymore; or, maybe, it still does, but a scar upon scar, another above it, and with too many new scars over old signs of wound have only left an indecipherable scribbling upon the mind.

For the endless assault of the Man, the son of the God, the son of the immortal, the loving creation of the God in His own model, the mother Earth has, perhaps, decided to commit suicide. In possible manner she has ensured a death with utter precision.

Oh, what a new sailing of thoughts! Does the earth have life? Isn’t only a huge ball of soil? The living being, trees and plants, the entire animal kingdom, they are only alive, isn’t it?

Hearing this, a roll of laughter rises and sweeps. Wind loses sense in her giggling spree. People say, it’s Nor’wester. Hearing it, the spell of laughter intensifies—96 kmph. The euphoria causes tears to descend from the eyes of the Sun and turns into clouds in its own warmth. Those dark clouds engage with the joyful wind for a wild game to begin. People start saying, “It’s thunderstorm!”

The language is not perceivable to man; it’s nature’s own. How can man understand it? At the end of the storm and the rain, people—the learned lot—again return to their own sphere of daily errands. What a great expanse of work they have? To live, to earn to live, to run to earn, to take care of the loved ones and one’s loves; so many things in the list indeed. In pursuit of more to more, need to surplus, ease to enough and primary to luxury, the necessity runs in a blind path. Then, the tale is all so familiar—of a vagabond endlessly roaming to find himself back home. But, if every life turns out to be taking the wrong path, then what will be the destiny of life itself in the web of illusory paths? No, to think of all this nonsense, if I fall back? Everyone will march ahead, Oh, what will be my fate? We all are citizen of this planet, so all are civilized; since before we had finished our spoon-feeding, we have read so many books, still reading; so are all educated too. Then, how much we earn make how powerful we are.

The fun begins here. In the schooling days, we used to memorise tables—two and two makes four—the first message of the universal truth. It is an eternal truth; none can change it. In life of those educated folks, there is a long spell of time left even after enough to survive. And, in such luxury, he continues to complicate a simple thing and teaches his mind to accept such wrong interpretation. Which is simple in its core gets a complex embodiment in his thoughts and in this process, his mind forgets to interpret anything simple and gets trapped in an illusory complex world. It seeks pleasure in making everything complex and in chasing endlessly what is incomprehensible and engages itself in more sinful acts.

In today’s world, such class of people has grown into an unimaginable mass. Added to it is their crude ambition—the single mission to earn money by whatever means possible. Apart from all these, there has been another sign of disease prevailing since a long time past; to abandon the memories of the past and the existence of the past itself. Funnier is that they don’t feel ashamed to brag about it.

In the process of learning and earning, the human has become modern; and from modern to ultramodern. While pursuing a new ill-conceived philosophy of life, he allows the treasures of the past, which would have guided his conscience in life before, to be left ignored. The faculty, which awarded them with the pride of supremacy over all living beings, is no more fundamentally existing. The time has come to admit this utter truth.

Let us look back to our roots. The Supreme God uttered, “O man, you are my best creation. Let this earth be your stage for divine pleasure. I have created this earth with all the finest things of the Heaven, adorned it with the nicest creations of mine; and these are all for you. You be the master and guardian of this fascinating place. The silence of forest, chirping of birds, meandering of streams, shining meadows, lofty mountains, endless oceans and joyful breeze are all for you; you explore it to the fullest and once your pleasure is fulfilled on your sojourn to this place, you come back to me bestowing the following generations to inherit it and let the cycle go on endlessly with your wishes.”

With all rights and might, they reached the earth; with the blessings of the Lord, they established their authority to protect it, care it and be in delight with it. Through explorations they progressed with knowledge and with knowledge they advanced with needs and with needs they learnt to exploit; they were no more contended with fallen branches of tree, they needed more wood, so started cutting tree, felling it and clearing the forested space for growing crops and building houses. Perhaps, this was the first step of civilization they would call it. Then they acquired the knowledge of lighting fire, learnt to make blunt stone weapons, pottery, use of copper, bronze and iron; with advancing through ages, the weapons became sharper, so were their needs and greed.

To communicate with each other, they started using different sounds to interpret different expressions; then they mastered it to express their emotions through oral means. They had already begun to use leaves and hides for clothing and gradually learnt to weave cloth with cotton, silk and jute. Where did they acquire the sense of shame from and to cover themselves? Shame became a natural sense with the progress of civilization, perhaps. In order to protect the clan and to facilitate hunting, they started forming larger clan; they learned to form larger community by clubbing clans together to match the demand for more men and women in newly learnt agriculture and also to protect the acquired knowledge and resources. The community had a collective sharing with access for every individual member to it. The progress had also awarded luxury of time to the knowledgeable communities; they no longer needed to spend longer time for hunting, fishing, cultivating and collecting of wood and fruits with advanced tools in hand. They started spending surplus time for thinking—some good and some bad. Good thoughts escalated the advancement of knowledge, analysis of physical observations and development of livelihood while bad thoughts brought new knowledge of coercion. And, bad thoughts were more acceptable to many communities as it awarded them with opportunities to raid the less privileged communities, loot the resources and food, abduct men and women for slavery. The bandit communities had advantages of two kinds; they had resources for subsistence without losing their own precious time and with more surplus time they went on spending it on thinking more—some good and some bad again. The good thoughts again liberated the confines of bad thoughts and bad thoughts emboldened the coercive sense in its action. The less privileged ones settled the score by submitting to the privileged ones and the later became the rulers. But the bad thoughts did not stop to progress even with such settled submission. The rulers continued to oppress the others no more to meet their subsistence needs, but for securing the pervasive greed and pleasure. From such time, perhaps, the disrespect for the God had been gaining ground.

Perhaps, the Lord also thought, “Oh, he is still a child. He will learn once grown up.” O Lord, are you not omniscient; didn’t you even perceive that everything wouldn’t change with maturing through age?  In a misplace affection, He simply failed to embrace the simple truth. Human civilization went on progressing with dreams and wishes of the mankind leaving aside what the Lord had said to them and their paths of life were far deviated from the one they had begun with. They wanted to be powerful, protector and even immortal. They started thinking that they are the gods. And the sense of progress had been so overpowering that it went on creating more gods amongst themselves to suit their dreams and deeds.

Today’s civilization is not a single day creation. It has evolved through diverse forms and structures with time accompanying. Amidst numerous cycles of progress are secreted so many treacheries, so much coercion and so denser evil thoughts. And, the Lord has seen it all in His all inertness. Perhaps, the delight of the illusions of His own creations prevented Him to act. He remained passive while man, His most precious creation, continued to rapidly destroy the world, He created with so much finery. Humans, in the whirlpool of evolution of unbridled greed and need, had also allowed themselves to become muted slaves of the civilization—their own creation. They have gradually turned into machines with no more pleasure in mind, no more compassion in soul, no more exploration in thought and no more expression in sharing. They only run and run; knowing not to where and perceiving not why. They run for more and more and more; realizing not where stands the limit, enough. In the process of acquiring more and more, they have dissected the earth from all sides; peeling off her soft skin, piercing her soul, tearing apart the body and baring it naked with removal of every bit of cover she had. On the operation table, she continued to be dismembered with utter sadism. What more, man, do you want of her that you think she has still hidden from your eyes, which will usher you with more wealth and more power? Do you seek to be the Supreme God? Man is mortal, so are all other living beings. Whatever little and long time one gets in life, one has to abandon it once the day is done. Do you forget it completely?

In the pursuit of our evil thoughts, we have progressed further from machines to robotic monsters. Now, let us look at what wisdom of knowledge—the good thoughts—have laid open before us. Those great thinkers—philosophers, sages, scientists—all agree on this simple matter and they do agree naturally as they are great. The truth that they agree is none is creating anything in this world. Whatever man thinks to have invented or discovered have already been there but unexplored till then. The knowledge is only to explore, to know the knowable and what is knowable is already there. Nothing is knowable if it is not existing; the comprehension of human is only bound by the knowledge and nothing beyond. Whoever knows it, discovers it for the human appreciation. The enlightenment of such knowledge shall be unending unless the dark clouds of pride encompass it. Through the path of delight, man will move on while offering the acquired knowledge till time permits to enable the future generations to complete the path. The path of exploration evolves in a cycle of knowing, knowing more and knowing the most.

The simple walks of life have no more been simple. The sons of man, in whose welfare the Lord created this earth with so much of passion, have only bonded slaves of their own civilization. There is no delight in them, neither is any ecstasy in exploration nor any passion to enlighten own soul. Everything is buyable in this civilization. Emotions have become saleable commodity. The buy happiness, love, compassion, hatred, oppression, suppression, intrusion, exclusion; everything they buy and sell. The market is always open. We, the slaves, sit kneel-bent beneath the feet of the giant civilization and do whatever the civilization dictates us to do. Tearing the soul of the globe, can you hear the shrill yelling of the oppressed, oh the poor machines? Or have you all become deaf? The whole expanse of creations of Nature mother have been wailing; fervently appealing to mother Nature to let them survive, a simple wish to live in peace and delight through the little span of life—all abjectly oppressed by human civilization. Nature tries to console them, sometimes makes human to also realize what the mess their civilization has made; but the giant of the progress has become so mighty that it ignores Nature’s motherly advices, rather mocks at her. The knowledge has become its slave; Science, the sharpest on the shelf, has been chained to abide by his every diktat for being a little arrogant earlier. The wishes of the civilization are soon obliged by Science under duress; the confinement has made it dispassionate executor. Encashing the affection of Nature, human civilization has now a mission to destroy her completely.

The slaves—humans—only await the direction of the monster. For an intensive servitude to its own for a long time, the finer senses have all been filled with utter pessimism. They cannot think anything beyond what is dictated by the monster. The dark energy of negativity has veiled the sweetness of freedom, pleasure of optimism and flight of dreams. The darkness has been spreading fast, coming down from all sides to surround the dying creations at the merciless hand of the monster.

Through ages of such ruthless oppression and torture, Nature has now lost all hopes in any resurrection of optimism in human senses. She cannot endure the torture anymore, while there is no path left for her to escape from the ordeal. She has nothing left but to commit suicide; to secure a peaceful death at least.

The machines, oh the slaves of the monster! Look at her; once for a last time, see how wretched, naked, hapless, she lies—gasping with uneven long breath. Do you still recall the image of your mother in her dying face? A dissected body of your mother is lying bare under the feet of your master and you continue to hit and slash aimlessly all over her unclothed body only to oblige the master. Do you all hear, man? If your slaved soul still bears the last drop of conscience, just revolt, break the chain and protect your mother; perhaps, this would be last chance to let her be alive, to prevent her from committing suicide. Else He will. The matricide is the greatest sin and the sentence is the harshest too.

Remember, the signal of the suicidal nature is now evident in the air, the sky and everywhere. He hears. He has arisen from sleep—from the bondage of affection, the faith in His own creations. His patience has been broken.


  1. True...the patience has been conceptualization and the intense pain you bear for the dying nature will strike the chord in the soul of every sensible human being...

  2. Nice Read, Things to think about. . . You Have a Nice and Safe Day. . . :)

  3. Very nice read ma'am... And very true... We seem to have just lost the bigger purpose of life in all our race for earning... And our minds have actually stopped seeing or visualizing anything else... Wish we would know the way to come out of this labyrinth!

    1. Thanks, Ira, for your soulful reflection of thoughts...we need to feel for her and do whatever little we can to hold her with honour and wishes

  4. Great read Lopamudra, makes one think where we are headed..

    1. Yes, Renu, we are headed to nowhere in an illusive chase to prosperity...take care.

  5. What the thunder said, piercing thousand years of stony indifference? Certainly, something is at hand! Nature, forever relenting in forgiveness, rouses to sweep away man’s relentless vagaries accumulated over centuries on this beautiful planet. Air is riveted with a smell, of angst and disease, trepidations flutter silently with a quivering sense of being shed forever in sleep and forgetfulness.
    Man, the only thinking animal, has run for every mortal thing that he conceived. He chases a dream that slides from him every hour he advances. Yet he runs, plodded by many around in a mad rush of mindless pursuit. In a world where every material thing he thinks can be achieved in course or grabbed or purchased, he ran without pause to think where happiness lied.
    So men weave stories as we always do, to justify and legitimize what we have been doing. We also fabricate and make simple things complicated to hedge simpler truths in a gossamer of uncertainties.
    Where is the Life we have lost in living?
    Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
    Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?
    (Choruses from the Rock: T.S. Eliot)
    There are some casualties however. In our run, we tend to obliterate memories: we deny the past which is always there, shaping the present. But when we deny our past, we free ourselves willfully from obligations to values that nurtured us. In our run, we dissociate ourselves from our inmost thinking, pulsating selves. In our outwardness, we sacrifice our precious inwardness, our mind to bundles of mechanized, calculated goals in life. Do we pause to think what our purpose of living is?
    We, the mortals, pursue many goals to earn, to languish and to die a secure, plastic death in hospitals. But purpose is different from goals. It is far more pervasive. Purpose gives meaning to living and even to dying. Unlike goal which is short-lived, it lends permanence to living. Lack of meaningful purpose is what ails modern man in his living.
    One bright morning in the busy alleys of Rome, Glaucon suggested to his master Socrates that people act justly only when they fear they will be caught and so they have no interest in being good for its own sake. To this, Socrates replied, acting justly is no optional extra, but the axis around which human existence turns: life is meaningless if it lacks well intentioned action. Let man stop a while to think what meaningful action he can take to sustain Nature for some more time.
    The article is deeply meditative. The threads of ideas are nicely woven in a pattern that makes the story of Nature, mother Earth and Man, the protagonist interesting and thought-provoking at the same time. All throughout the reading, we sense a mellow feeling of tenderness, sympathy and loss of what we are wreaking, every day, upon Nature who has cradled us when we were born. Nature would also accompany us till we return to dust. I felt a foreboding of man’s destiny as I closed my reading, but that is what truth is…. Truth is hard as Rabindranath said.

    With deep regards, amitjyoti.

  6. Yes, Amitjyoti, truth is hard as the great poet said...we rely in our own conceived truths that suit us...truths are our dreams and we buy it now and then...truths are commodity on the shelfs as we manufacture and sell so Saibal often says, there is a perception corruption in human thoughts now...we do not see with our remains a sight only...nothing to connect to the insight...yes, there is still faintly existing as there is for peace, love and compassion...
    "In our run, we tend to obliterate memories: we deny the past which is always there, shaping the present. But when we deny our past, we free ourselves willfully from obligations to values that nurtured us. In our run, we dissociate ourselves from our inmost thinking, pulsating selves. In our outwardness, we sacrifice our precious inwardness, our mind to bundles of mechanized, calculated goals in life. Do we pause to think what our purpose of living is?" you rightly said, we have lost the purpose of living...
    Your reflections of thoughts have added grace to my small effort to register my unbearable pain within...your words have been more evocative and startling to soul that still resonate in nature's vibes and take me to thinking further...I am thankful always to honour your visit on my wishes
